Lingua Franca

I am the stone that the builder refused...


Self analysis is masturbation...

OR, how I learned to stop worrying and love the Blog.

I always worry about too much self analysis when coming up with something to write on this thing. Like the title says, I'm a firm believer that self analysis is a method that everyone uses for some instant gratification. You try to isolate those few points within your head that will somehow elevate you above the muck you wade through every day and make you feel superior to everyone else.

In the end, your gratification is only for an instant and you find yourself doing it more and more just to prolong the pleasure.

Then you end up over analysing everything. That's just a downward spiral. You become a slave to your own emotions and have to understand why you feel every which way for any given situation.

To be human you don't have to have an understanding of what you are. You simply have to be human. As a matter of fact, I have severe doubts about anyone who claims to have a full and clear understanding of who they are. I'd rather experience as much as I can in complete incomprehension than bottle myself up in what I believe to be a certainty. Where's the fun in being alone with a false understanding when you can share the chaos of humanity with everyone else.

But you go ahead have your certainty... just don't forget to lube up first.


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