Lingua Franca

I am the stone that the builder refused...


I'd rather read other people's blogs

I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm finding the concept of my life as literature boring. Not because I lead a boring life, it really is exciting, but because I'm living it and can't really find ways to put it into words.

I'd much rather read about the lives of others. It seems to provide at least diversification of experience in my limited schedule.

Karyn is seen here attempting to eat her cat.

I don't claim to be living vicariously through people. Just looking for alternatives. If you don't challenge what you think or do on a daily basis, then you are cheating yourself out of a freedom/variety of potential possibilities. So in that respect, finding out what others do is healthy and far more interesting.

Darcy is great for challenging world views, but can't seem to find a good use for car doors.

Ultimately, I'm looking at my own life through my own eyes, of course it doesn't really interest me, I did it. So the real question is, are other people interested in it?

Nancy doesn't have a colour television. In fact, her entire existence is in black and white. This picture was taken on a colour camera. I don't know how she does it.

Not that I'm going to stop writing if no one is interested, nor do I care if anyone is interested or not. The reasons for me writing in this blog are purely selfish. I do it because I want to. But curiosity always gets to me. Are people reading this to challenge their perception? Are they reading to feel more comfortable about their own perception? Are any of my initial intentions carried through? Perhaps no one really reads too much into it, because it is after all, just a blog.

Jaime's travels have made her an expert on Asian plumbing.

Life before the blog is pretty much the same as life after the blog. Except that now we spend a bit more time each week typing. Or am I completely off my rocker on all of this? Maybe the mere act of making internal information external changes the information via perception. Does the Heisenberg uncertainty principle apply to blogs? I like to think of the problem more along the lines of Schrodinger's cat. We don't really know what is going on until we open up the box to find out if the cat is alive, dead, or if Karyn has eaten it. But am I opening my own box or looking into the boxes of others?

Is my box more important than yours?


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