Lingua Franca

I am the stone that the builder refused...



Or how the soul of indie folk has been burned into my brain via one of the greatest concerts since I saw Yo La Tengo.

Guess who

The concert was amazing. Although it took place two nights ago, the memories are still fresh in my mind. Jaime could not attend due to illness. That is very unfortunate on her part. Filling her space by getting someone to join me was proving to be very difficult. It seems like very few people I know are actually aware or care about Lou Barlow. My search ended when Christine, having never heard of Lou Barlow, agreed to accompany me to see what the shit was all about.

With a few beers and a lot of anticipation, Lou finally took the stage and did not disappoint. I have not seen a show where the artist seems so human and real. I enjoyed it very much for that reason. He regaled us with tales of fatherhood, touring and his confusion regarding the Canadian political system. He didn't make a setlist, forgot some of his lyrics and made us all laugh.

And let's not forget his excellent music.

He was more than willing to play audience requests. That is something you do not see from many artists. I think it had a lot to do with his complete lack of a playlist or any idea what he would play next. I requested his Sebadoh song "Beauty of the Ride" which he was more than happy to play and dedicate to me for my fannish geekdom. Probably also because I was in the front row and cheering really loudly.

You could say that this is a holy moment worth remembering. If you said it, I would probably agree with you. But I would only do that if I heard you when you said it.

This is definitely one of those moments to live for. I look forward to the next one and the best part of all is wondering where I'll find it.

End transmission in the Russian language.


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